Consumers rate Apple Worsens After the death of Steve Jobs

Wednesday, May 30, 20120 comments

United States - The whole world knows, Steve Jobs very closely with Apple's image, the company he founded. Jobs died since last October 2011, many of linking what the impact on Apple.
Early May, IGR research firm conducted a survey of consumers in the United States (U.S.), which aims to provide data to other research. In addition to questions about WiFi, tablets, smartphones, applications, content and LTE, IGR also asked how the opinions of respondents about the image of Apple since Jobs died.
From the survey, IGR find the following data:

1 percent said that Apple's image improved since Steve Jobs dies
3.5 percent said their perceptions of Apple rose
84 percent said their perception of Apple is not changed
9.4 percent rate their perceptions of Apple deteriorate
1.7 percent said the perception of Apple is getting worse

Reports Cellular-News reported on Wednesday (5/30/2012) mentions, 11 percent said their perceptions of Apple's Jobs has deteriorated since the death should be a concern.
Because according to the IGR, the group is large enough to have a negative impact on Apple sales. Given this survey using a sample large enough scale, IGR can also see the distribution of demographic and find more information about 11 percent of participants were.

Those perceptions of Apple deteriorate, comprising 12-18 percent more than men aged 45 years and over.
11 percent of participants are also known to have household incomes on average larger, higher education lebiih (minimal Strata 1) and is married.
Have children, for those who already housekeeping, not be a factor influencing their perceptions of Apple.
The good news for Apple, from the participants was 12 percent likely to be Android smartphone users, especially the Samsung or Motorola. So, if viewed in general, the perception of the current Apple users is virtually not changed much.
"IGR sure such information is very important for the future of Apple. While a significant number of people who say their perceptions of Apple deteriorate, loyal users of Apple itself seems to remain unchanged," concluded the IGR.
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