Microsoft: Windows Phone Beat the iPhone in China

Sunday, May 20, 20120 comments

Beijing - The operating system Windows Phone from Microsoft is claimed to achieve success in China. It is characterized by its market share has surpassed the IOS on the iPhone.

Microsoft claims Windows Phone market share in China has reached 7%, triggered by the presence of Nokia handsets Lumia there. While the iPhone market share in the range of 6%​​.

"And we have just begun," said Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft China, Michel van der Bel who quoted from TechRadar on Sunday (5/20/2012). He believes Windows Phone will continue to reap success in China.

Meanwhile, authorities in China is the Android market. Google OS is apparently still very difficult to pursue the achievement of about 66% market share.

Microsoft partnered with several manufacturers to peddle Windows Phone, especially Nokia. Samsung, HTC, ZTE and LG also took part to their partners.

China alone is projected to become the largest smart phone market in the world in 2012. More than 137 million smartphones expected to be sold there this year.
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